English & Maths Exams

English & Maths Exams

At College of North West London we recognise that English and Maths are paramount to the success of our students, and want to ensure they have the tools to succeed. Below, you will find all the information you'll need about the upcoming Maths and English exams.  If you have any questions about your exam, that are not answered below, please speak to you Maths/ English teacher.

Exam dates | Before the exam | What to bring | Concessions for the exam | Invigilation process | During the exam 

Upcoming exam dates

GCSE Maths 

Thursday 15 May, 9:00am - Paper 1 (Non-Calculator)
Wednesday 04 June, 9:00am - Paper 2 (Calculator)
Wednesday 11 June, 9:00am - Paper 3 (Calculator)

GCSE English

Friday 23 May, 9:00am - Paper 1
Friday 06 June, 9:00am - Paper 2

Before the exam

  • You will receive a notification on Teams or via text message, and a letter will go out to your home address to notify you when the exams will take place. Please keep an eye out
  • Your notification will also include the time of your exam and where it will take place
  • You can request for a mock paper from your teachers to practice your knowledge and timing
  • Attendance is mandatory. However, if you are unwell or have extenuating circumstances, please notify your teacher/student services before the exam begins.
  • Ensure Student Services have your up-to-date number and contact details
  • Plan ahead for TFL/ traffic changes. Plan your journey at least 24 hours before
  • Get a good night's sleep - avoid heavy screen time the night before
  • Light revision - don't overdo it and go to bed!
  • Have a proper breakfast
  • Arrive at least 30 minutes before the exam start time

What to bring to the exam

  • You need to bring your ID
  • Students need to bring 2 black (NOT blue) pens
  • A drink and a snack will be provided from Student Services prior to the exam

For Maths Paper 1 (Non-Calculator)

Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of compasses, pen, HB or B pencil, eraser.

For Maths Paper 2+3 (Calculator)

Candidates must have: Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres, protractor, pair of compasses, pen, HB or B pencil, eraser and calculator

Concessions for the exam

  • If you are allowed concessions for the exam, you will be allocated a separate room and a support tutor will invigilate the exam with your support requirements
  • You will get the same notification for the exam date, time and location
  • You will be provided with the additional support during your exam
  • If you feel that you need additional support from UCG during your exam you must notify your teacher as soon as possible to get assessed for learning support

Invigilation process

  • When you enter the exam room you will be met by an invigilator who will confirm your details
  • You will be asked to turn your phone off/put on airplane mode
  • No air pods in ears and no watches will be permitted during the exam time
  • If you have a medical condition on the day, please notify the invigilator so they may keep an eye on you for assistance
  • You will need to arrive 30 minutes prior to your exam start time

During the exam

  • Once you enter the exam do not speak, other than when spoken to by an invigilator
  • You need to keep your hands and feet to yourself
  • If you require assistance, you must raise your hand up clearly in the air, so an invigilator can assist you
  • You must stay present in the exam room from the beginning of the exam till the end. You may not leave the exam unless you need to use the restroom.
  • Should you need to use the restroom, please raise your hand up clearly in the air to inform the invigilator
  • If you finish the exam early, you must sit quietly and wait for the exam time to be completed
  • Once the exam time has been completed and the invigilators come round to pick up your papers, you must remain seated, no phones are allowed, no talking or making distracting noises
  • If you are caught talking/getting your phones out, you may be disqualified from the exam
  • You may talk or use your phone once the invigilator has collected all the papers and they usher you to leave the exam room
  • You must respect the rules and regulations for the exams at all times

Further reading

The Joint Council for Qualifications have published some important information for exam candidates as well an exam checklist. Make sure you take a look at both to help you to be as prepared as possible for your exams.

If you’re anxious or have questions, please get in touch with your teacher or student support at studentadvice@ucg.ac.uk.